Rebozo Massage & Closing of the Bones
Rebozo Massage and Closing of the Bones Body Work
“Birthing and Postpartum traditions from around the world are virtually the same, because they are rooted in physiology and psychological needs as postpartum women. These needs are the same - no matter to which lineage we belong to.” - Rachelle Selinga
Techniques for this practice primarily derive from Ecuador and Mexico although ‘closing of the bones’ is a universal practice found in many cultures.
The aim is to restore the mother to a place of wholeness
A rebozo is a woven scarf or shawl, used and passed on to future generations by traditional Mexican midwives, to support pregnant, birthing and postpartum women.
What happens:
Two part therapy:
Cradled passive movement
The mother is laid down on top of a number of rebozo scarves. One at a time the practitioner cradles each body part and uses different techniques to shift, rock, and sway according to the movements in that part. The predictable therapeutic movements allow a feeling of deep relaxation.
Closing of the Bones
The mother is again laid down on top of a number of rebozo scarves. Each rebozo in turn is tightened across the body to a comfortable level and tied. This runs along the body giving it a grounding sensation. The whole body is left in a comfortable, bundled state for a few moments.
Physical Benefits
The technique in early postpartum can speed up the healing process
Helps gentle movement in the joints, bones, soft tissue, organs return back to optimal position
After much transformation in the physical body- the uterus growing from size of a pear to the size of a watermelon, the organs moving to create space for the child, the pelvic floor and hips opened to birth the child- this technique helps the body return to the state it was before pregnancy
Anecdotal evidence of: relieving constipation, releasing placental tissue, helps sensation return to abdominal tissue post C-section
Promotes a sense of feeling nurtured, feeling held
Promotes relaxation of the nervous system
Emotional Benefits
Promotes and allows the space for honoring, witnessing, releasing and expression of any emotions that arise: grief, joy, gratitude
Helps to shift blockages
Can aid healing physically and emotionally from miscarriage/stillborn